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Dry, Resistant, Even Skin Tone, Healthy Barrier | KOKOBERNA

Oily, Sensitive, Pigmented Skin Tone, Tight-Compact Skin

“My oily skin troubles me. I know that sunscreen and skin lighteners will help the dark patches on my skin, but it is so hard to find products that do not make my face shiny or irritated. Please help!” 


This skin type suffers from bouts of inflammation and an uneven skin tone. This skin type is less vulnerable to wrinkles than other types because of increased skin pigmentation that protects the skin from aging and from the antioxidants naturally found in the skin’s oil (sebum).

Pigmentation, sensitivity, and oil production are your skin’s three dominant features. Depending on where you are in the inflammation-breakout-dark spot cycle, choose the appropriate treatment application below.

If after using the recommended skin care products for six weeks to two months, you find you need further help, please make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Make it your daily habit to use the products that prevent your key problems.


Source: Baumann, Leslie. The Skin Type Solution. Bantam Books Trade. 2010 Paperback Edition. Excerpted.